Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Rabbi Braun's Schedule

Rabbi Braun will remain in Crown Heights for approximately one week before returning to Australia. During the week, he will keep office hours, which will be announced after tonight's meeting with the Vaad Hakohol.

He has wisely chosen not to interview with any of our neighborhood blog sites. It doesn't appear that these requests will be honored any time in the near future.


  1. I think, that in order to being having a functioning Baid Din, the vaad hakohol has to see to it that all the current trouble makers surrounding Rabbi Shwey and Rabbi Osdobo should not have any access to Beis Din or comunity matters.

    The Vaad should hire ONE fully independent and neutral Mazkir Ha'Beis Din. No one else should have access to the Beis Din premises, or be aloud to schedule Diney Tora, get the Rabbonim to author letters etc.

    The curent circus must stop. the huge showing at the Hachtara Sunday night was a very clear message:

    our community wants stability, honesty and integrity. we all follow halach and want to see a fully functioning Beis Din. a way MUST be found to remove the trouble makers immediately!

    they should not be benefiting financially from the communal funds or CHK revenues (which IS COMMUNITY FUNDS!).

  2. Wow, Harav Broun will not be hiding? the people who have doubts if he is fitting to leas such a beautiful community as ours will have a chance to sit down with Rabbi Barun privately, one on one and get his/her own impression?

    This is beutyfull. if the naysayers are intellectually honest with themselves, let them print out the schedule and make it a point to personally stop by the Bais Din and ask Rabbi Braun a shaylo.

  3. I totally agree with the first comment, we must get all troublemakers away from the Rabbonyim! that's the only possibility the Rabbonyim will ever sit together!!

  4. How do we get an appointment with RAbbi Braun?

  5. probably, once the schedule is announced, you would just show up at his office. if there are others there, you will wait your turn.

  6. And if there are 100 people, We will wait all night? Maybe a schedule would be nice

  7. You're getting the hits, keep on posting, you gotta get give the mob what they want :)


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