Thursday, March 17, 2011

Rabbi Rosenberg's Exit

By now the word has spread that Rabbi Rosenberg has resigned from the zablo.

I have not spoken to him since he submitted his resignation, but from my point of view, the burden that he was carrying was becoming to great.
The cooperation that was expected and necessary from key parties and individuals simply wasn't there. There was also a continuous barrage of attacks and slander.

He has numerous other Dinei Torah that need his attention, and had already given his psak regarding Crown Heights. It was not his intention or obligation to have to mediate an endless machlokes.

His exit is unfortunate, and I hope to get him to reconsider his resignation. However, I completely understand and respect his decision.


  1. He resigned over the tearing of the Smicha.

  2. He was in over his head, as is the Vaad! Concentrate on areas where you can do some good for people. Frankly, I miss Moishe! His home is still being used for the benefit of the community.

  3. Thank you, Mr. Tamir, for posting your notice about Rabbi Rosenberg, for posting the hazmanah and informing us that you respect the ikul.

  4. Zakki, be strong. The psak was rendered. The losers will not stop at anything. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH.

  5. Zakki is being strong. He is holding on strong to the Torah and not letting anyone else veer him away from it.

  6. Zaki
    Please learn how to write and spell, stay out of areas that dont belong to YOU. Thanks

    I think its time for you to resign!!!!!!!!!!

  7. comment 6 sound like a threat


I appreciate your comments. Please make sure that your words are free from loshon horah. Keep it positive!