Thursday, March 17, 2011



  1. throw it out or burn it with the chometz simple as that.

  2. It seems like this has NOTHING to do with the Vaad Hakohol.

    It's addressed to Rabbi Braun.

  3. Zaki Tamir:
    You represent the community of Crown Heights. How can you let the comment from "Boruch" be posted on your website, which is k'neged HaTorah?

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    "k'neged HaTorah"? are you sure? based on what?

    In borough park there are 'ikuls' flying back and forth every minute by hundreds of basement botei dinim.

    this community agreed to a Zabl"o. just because some don't like the results of a democratic election, they have put it on the top of their agenda to do all in teire power to undermine the results of the Zabl"o and elections.

    I'm sure that if you searched hard enough, you can find 3 rabbi's to sign an ikul against anyone/anything.

    Here, we had 5 prominent, chosuve Rabbonim. They examined ALL the issues at hand - INCLUDING the semicha allegations. the determined unequivocally that everything is fine and that Rabbi Braun is the 3rd Rov.

    This a simple fact of life! all the $$$ will spend will not help change this simple fact.

    The difficulty you have accepting the loss is human nature. hear the Rebbe describe this natural human response:

    Happy Purim!

  5. Mendy - Happy Purim!March 18, 2011 at 12:56 PM

    Did you see this story?

    although the story is written as a "purim torah" - if you examine at the signature of r' Krous in the 2 letters issued by him, you will see clearly that it's not the same person who signed them both.

    Pretty ironic since the main allegation is supposed forgery...

    Happy Purim

  6. Moshe P

    So let Zaki find a Beis Din to give him permission to ignore the Ikul. If it was so simple Rabbi Rosenberg would have given the vaad instruction to disregard the ikul.

  7. I am addressing this comment to "Moshe Pinchas" regarding his response to the other "Anonymous" commentator. Rabbi Rosenberg clearly stated that the smicha issue has to be reviewed. You are distorting the facts. Distorting the facts will not get you anywhere.

  8. Dear Anonymous,

    You claim: "Rabbi Rosenberg clearly stated that the smicha issue has to be reviewed".

    Can you back up your claim? or is it a figment of your (Purim induced) imagination?

    I believe you made it up out of thin air. Please prove me wrong with written, documented EVIDENCE.

  9. This is addressing various comments made by Moshe Pinchas:
    1. It is completely inaccurate that the entire Zabla Beis Din determined that everything is fine with the 3rd Rav. As you know, only Rabbi Rosenberg signed.
    2. The statement about ikul documents being manufactured in basement Battei Dinin is a complete 'bubba maisa' - thought up during a Purim drinking bout.
    3. Rabbi Rosenberg stated in his email to those involved that the smicha issue has to be reviewed.

  10. Dear Mr. Anonymous,

    1. You are effectively accusing Rabbi Rosenberg of lying and deception on a huge scale by issuing a clear Psak Din in the name of the entire Beis Din, while it really only his own personal opinion.

    You better have some darn good and clear evidence to back up this outrageous claim. please present it for us all to see. (do you perhaps have a letter signed by at least 3 (majority) of the other 4 Rabbonim stating this?) המוציא מחבירו עליו הראיה

    3. Please advise us In which of his Piskey Dinim or his communications with the 'tzdadim' (vaad Hakohol) Did Rabbi Rosenberg write ANYTHING REMOTELY resembling what your allege???

    If you are referring to the STOLEN internal email, first of all, it was PRIVATE and NOT intended for ANYONE to see it (by the way, I believe that Rabbi Rosenberg resigned in part due to this and other LEAKS from the Beis Din PRIVATE communications...)

    Did he instruct the Vaad to HIRE Rabbi Braun? YES! in a clear Psak Din - with a deadline. Din he notify ANYONE in the public that he had ANY doubts as to whether Rabbi Braun is the current 3rd Rov? absolutely not.

    Leaking and publishing private communications, aside form being גזילה, subject to חרם דרבינו גרשום and under "הרי הוא מכלל הולך רכיל מגלה סוד". The Beis Din NEVER instructed the Vaad to do ANYTHING other then immediately hire Rabbi Braun - which they did.

    The current, crystal clear stance of the Beis Din is that Rabbi Bruan is the 3rd Rov on the Beis Din. Period.

    If you have other proof - bring it on - המוציא

  11. This is addressed to the person who wrote the last comment beginning with "Dear Mr. Anonymous":

    Why did you wait so long to post your beautiful comment?

  12. I dont believe that those who favor the ikkul have a very strong position

  13. To Anonymous who posted on 3/23 at 1:59 pm

    Good comment. Your point is well taken.

  14. to the Anonymous poster of 3/23 @ 1:59 pm:

    You are obviously being sarcastic. And you are absolutely right.


I appreciate your comments. Please make sure that your words are free from loshon horah. Keep it positive!