Friday, March 25, 2011



  1. I think this is the end of the fighting

  2. our hekilla does not have to be controled by a misnagdisha rov who was menadeh our rabonim years ago.

  3. quite amazing – "take your case to the zabl'o beis din!"

    never mind that the whole case IS about the conduct of the zabl'o beis din – it's like asking a Judge to rule on an appeal on his own case.

    and never mind that that bais din no longer exists, since Rabbi Rozenberg's resignation.

  4. It still begs to question why couldn't we have consulted a highly respected Lubavitch Rabbi like Rabbi moshe ashkinazi from kfar chabad or moshe laundu from binie beak????

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. Rabbi Gruber writes he received a letter as well as documents. Please post the letter you sent Rabbi Gruber as well as the list of documents you sent him.

  7. dear zaki

    while i dont envy your position i believe we need to strat from scratch and elect 3 rabbis from scratch and clean house

    and regarding the beis din that said we can ignore other beis bins i say ill find you a psak that says we can ignore his psak

    please this is ridiculous
    lets start again from scratch and preverify smicha shimush otherwise we will never finish this


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