Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I am proud to report that thanks to the hard work of Shmuel Chanin, and others that have contributed their time and resources on behalf of the Vaad Hakohol, we have been able to emerge from a very difficult financial period and move on to the development and establishment of the Vaad as a financially independent corporation that is run in a professional and efficient manner. 

Shmuel deserves the credit for demanding a responsible infrastructure, and the for effective fundraising that has taken place in recent weeks. 

For the first time (since my involvement, at least) the Vaad Hakohol is starting to have a positive cash flow. Shmuel has given us the structure and resources that we need to handle our fiscal obligations with a much greater degree of confidence, and thanks to Hashem, of course, we are now in a position to start paying Rabbonim salaries and handle our financial obligations. 

Thanks Mula!

1 comment:

I appreciate your comments. Please make sure that your words are free from loshon horah. Keep it positive!