Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Tzinner Smicha is in Crown Heights

Erev Shabbos Parshas Mishpotim, a shliach arrived in Crown Heights from Australia with the smicha documents presented for review by Rabbi Braun, shlita.

The document, issued by Rabbi Gavriel Tzinner, shlita, was reviewed by Rabbi Rosenberg, who was satisfied with the validity and authenticity of the document.

Furthermore, an individual (not a member of the Crown Heights community) who was involved in presenting the document to Rabbi Tzinner for signature has verified that the document presented here is in fact the original document presented to Rabbi Tzinner.

Rabbi Osdoba, shlita is requesting to further review the document. 


  1. Rabbi Tzinner himself said this was not a smicha and that he never gave him smicha. Even Rabbi Rosenberg wrote in his document that it was not a smicha, but he justified it as a smicha because of 'similar language' and so forth. Why are you following the false path? No one ever answered the letter written by Rav Yoel Kahan, Rav Avraham Gerlitzky and Rav Berel Levin - a letter which contains truth from beginning to end. Mr. Tamir, you should go along with the real, authentic Lubavitchers, and then you will be able to accomplish something for this community. If you continue on this path, you will go no where. Stand up for the truth!

  2. Where is the date on the Semicha??

  3. Tamir you are humiliating Rabbi Braun by posting this information (did he allowed you to make it public?) and by letting those comments especially the one regarding to Rabbi Rosenberg psak which is totally distorted.

  4. Aderaba. Read the ksav - it's a smicha. Rabbi Tzinner admits that he signed it. And the psak confirms its validity.

  5. This is ridicules. A nice letter does not a smicha make! Zaki please be upfront about the above document and make it clear that Rabbi Tzinner claims that it is not a smicha, and that it is only because of Rabbi Rosenberg's (contested) psak that it is being treated as such!

  6. Dear Anonymous - comment #1

    I have some news for you: Zaky Tamir already joined "with the real, authentic Lubavitchers".

    "real" lubavithcers follow the instructions of the Rebbe and the Shulchan Aruch! When there is a Psak Din from a Beis Din of a Zablo, an ehliche, poshute, yid follows the Psak to the T - regardless if it makes him happy or not.

    (the Rebbe stated publicly, MANY times, that if one says something in the Rebbe's name which is inconsistent with the Shulchan Aruch, you should know that it is 1000% false!)

  7. Zaki -

    Great job! Keep up the good work.

    we need to grow up and learn how to obey a psak din. we need to learn to get along with each other.

    we are brothers!

  8. To Comment #6:
    You obviously are avoiding the main point in Comment #1. You would be advised to read the letter from Rav Yoel Kahan and the other 2 Rabbonim very carefully and then you would see that the fac is that the psak is wht is against the Shulchan Aruch - and therefore it is not to be listened to, as you yourself stated in your comment. Therefore, in essence you are agreeing to what it says in Comment #1 without even realizing it.

  9. Well, all candidates including the gabboyim signed before the elections that they will accept the psak from the zablo beis din. So there is no choice for them or you accept the psak or you simply out. The psak (and the fact) is very clear, the document 'nusach' is a smicho not a recommendation letter and it's signed by Rabbi Tzinner that admits signing it. Now he's saying that his intentions then were a recommendation and not what the document says. So the Beis has a shtar which is certified by the signer and against that the Beis Din has a testimony of the signer revealing his intentions (dvorim shebelev - he also admits not telling Rabbi Braun what he now claims he meant then) at the time of signing. The halacha and the psak are clear, he is not neemon and the documents is 100% valid. Any Rov will paskn the same. They have no choice and they are looking now for other issues that have no basis. All parties that signed the shtar berurin should learn from the Vaad and the Gabboyim and accept the psak because if they don't sooner or later they will be OUT.

  10. "Even Rabbi Rosenberg wrote in his document that it was not a smicha, but he justified it as a smicha because of 'similar language' and so forth."


  11. TO Comment #10:

    This is not Motzi Shem Rah, since R’ Rosenberg himself wrote in the document he issued, regarding the letter signed by Rabbi Zinner, that “since the letter of support includes wording of Smicha” and such language is only used “for someone who earned to receive Smicha”, therefore “automatically this letter remains to be a perfect Smicha”. It is also not Lashon Hara, because something that is openly revealed is not considered Lashon Hara. You obviously do not know the halachos.

  12. What is Smicha really about?February 2, 2011 at 2:38 PM

    By recognizing that someone has the capability to Pasken Halacha you have in essence given him Smicha

    Rabbi Tzinner himself can clarify that for you.

    Yes your right, that was not why he gave him a Smicha document. Though that is irrelevant, for what in essence is Smicha?

  13. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  14. listen to this short story the Rebbe relates about how a loosing party to a Din Torah usually reacts...



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