Sunday, January 16, 2011

Update on Rabbi Osdoba and the Hachtarah

A group of yungerleit committed to seeing peace and closure in the community waited for Rabbi Osdoba to arrive in 770. Rabbi Osdoba did not appear in 770 as expected, but rather went to his home. He refused to meet with our group, however he did agree to meet with me privately.
We met in his home, and the following things were brought out at the meeting:

  1. Rabbi Osdoba will not appear, because he is opposed to the hachtorah until there is verification of an original smicha document. 
  2. I asked Rabbi Osdoba for permission to conduct the hachtorah and for me to appear and give the Vaad Hakohol's endorsement. Considering the difficult position in which the vaad hakohol finds itself - between the psak of the zablo and letter I received last night from Rabbi Osdoba - he granted me express permission to attend the hachtorah and to conduct all of the arrangements associated therewith, in my capacity as Chairman of the Vaad Hakohol.
  3. Rabbi Osdoba also instructed me that I was not to sigh a contract until Rosh Chodesh Adar, the deadline established by the zablo, in order to provide for an opportunity to verify the existence of an original smicha document. 
  4. I spoke this morning to Rabbi Shwei via telephone. He has assured me that he endorses the hachtorah and will appear. 
  5. Rabbi Rosenberg has confirmed that he will appear at the hachtarah.

Please note that since I took office June 13th 2010, I have never taken any steps affecting the Vaad or beis din without consulting the rabbonim in advance.

1 comment:

  1. Zaki,

    I must commend you on your handling this difficult situation.

    I would propose that Rabbi Osdoba meet Rabbi Braun face-to-face and clarify all the issues, rather than use letters to third parties which are then publicized online, just feeding the fire of machloikes.

    I think going ahead with tonight's event, even if it's not what should have happened lechatchila, is - at this point - the right thing to do, though a disclaimer should be made at the time that serious issues need to be resolved.


I appreciate your comments. Please make sure that your words are free from loshon horah. Keep it positive!