Friday, February 4, 2011

Email Address

Someone requested an email address where they could express their opinions to me privately.

The email address for that purpose is

Good Shabbos


  1. Zaki,

    Why do you list the "ikul" together with the documents of the Zabl"o.

    Does an outside Beis Din have any standing to write such letters to the Vaad? is the vaad required to take into consideration an intrusion of an outside "beis din" when it already committed itself and signed that it is bout by the Piskey Din of this spesific zabl"o - and no other Beis Din?

    I think it's disrespectful to put the "ikul" on the same level as the Zablo"z piskey dinim.

  2. i agree with zalman 100 percent, this ''ikul'' has no place being listed together with the piskei dinim of the Zabl''o.

  3. Fully agree with Zalmam

  4. From: Dovid P

    Fully agree with Zalman, the Ikkul has no place even on the same website. It should not even be reckoned with. It should be thrown into the garbage

  5. The Ikul was issued, and even Rabbi Rosenberg said that all parties should abide by the Ikul, which states that R' Braun's qualifications - especially his semicha - must be reviewed and verified, before his election to be the Rav can be deemed valid. If you are representing the entire community, why, Mr. Tamir, are you posting a photo of the (supposed) 'hachtarah' on the top of our blog page? Do you represent the entire or only a part of this community? A photo can speak a thousand words.....

  6. Dear Zaki.
    I love this "Tamir report" and come on every day, the only advise I can give you, post everyday! if you don't, people don't come on!

    look at them...


I appreciate your comments. Please make sure that your words are free from loshon horah. Keep it positive!