Friday, January 14, 2011

Myth or Fact?

This comment was received yesterday, and raises some very powerful questions.

Many of these concerns were addressed in yesterday's extensive interview with Nonetheless, for the sake of clarifying much of the misinformation that's been circulating, Zaki asked me to answer each one of these points.

First the comment of Dovid S. in it's entirety:

Dear Zaki,

It is irresponsible to make a Hachtorah before a contract is signed. Besides, the psak clearly states that the contract sighing should happen before the Hachtorah.

As an elected community leader you cannot legally sign the contract on behalf of Crown Heights unless there is money to pay.

I understand there was an election but if the community wants to enforce the results they have to come up with 1) the start up money 2) a reasonable plan on how they plan to continue to pay the Rabbonim.

Obviously, you can’t only pay Rabbi Braun and not the existing members of the Beis Din. So I estimate you need approximately 200g just to start.

There are rumors, published on shmais, that Rabbi Braun’s salary is being guaranteed by five people politically affiliated with one of the factions. If true, this information should be made public.

I urge you to write a candid public letter stating a) how much money is needed b) how much money you actually have and how much in pledges c) who is on the Rabbonim salary committee d) is the committee fundraising for all Rabbonim or just Rabbi Braun.

Again, many legitimate concerns raised. Here the answers to these questions:

First of all, you are correct that it would be irresponsible to obligate the community to take on another rov if there's no money to pay even the sitting rabbonim. This is something that Zaki himself has stated on numerous occasions.

Baruch Hashem, the Vaad has raised a considerable amount of money for the Beis Din. These funds are enough to cover the back salaries owed to Rabbis Osdoba, Schwei and Segal, as well as to cover their (and Rabbi Braun's) salaries for just about twelve months.

Rumors that Braun's salary is being guaranteed by five people are not true. Money raised for the Beis Din came from dozens of local gvirim. Furthermore, they did not contribute to a "Rabbi Braun fund." No such fund exists. The Vaad maintains only a "Rabbonim Fund" through which all of the rabbonim are paid.

Finally, months ago a "rabbonim committee" did in fact meet with the Vaad Hakohol. However, the purpose of the meeting was primarily on fundraising on not to get commitments from the sitting members. A "follow up" meeting never happened on account of the months-long uncertainty that followed the rabbonim elections.

I hope this clears up some of the misconceptions.

A gutn erev Shabbos,

Yossi M.
On behalf of Zaki Tamir

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