Sunday, March 13, 2011

What's with the Ikul?!

A few days after the ikul was issued, I was in communication with Rabbi Rosenberg, and we discussed a conversation he had with Rabbi Krauss (who issued the ikul).

In a conversation between Rabbi Rosenberg and Rabbi Krauss, Rabbi Rosenberg informed Rabbi Krauss that even before the ikul was issued:

1. The hachtarah had already taken place
2. Rabbi Braun's contract had already been signed by the majority of the vaad members, and was apparently in full effect
3. That the shtar birurin of the zablo din torah had been signed on by all of the elected bodies of the kohol (the Vaad Hakohol, the Rabbonim, Gabboim, etc.)
4. The elections had taken place in a very public manner, under the guidance of the zablo, and that a large majority of the kohol had participated

These crucial details may have not been disclosed to Rabbi Krauss by the plaintiffs at the time the ikul was issued.

Furthermore, Rabbi Rosenberg challenged the ikul by questioning how any group dissatisfied with the psak din could have the right to run to another beis din to overturn that psak. If so, any group claiming to represent the Crown Heights community could always go to an outside beis din, and there would be no end to the conflict.

Rabbi Krauss conceded to Rabbi Rosenberg, stating that if the plaintiffs could not demonstrate that they could act in a way that would bind the entire community, then he would retract the ikul (Rabbi Rosenberg told me that he believes that the plaintiffs cannot demonstrate this).

It is very important to note that the ikul stated that a hearing date would be announced “within the coming days.” Since the ikul was issued, nearly six weeks ago, the Vaad Hakohol has received absolutely no communication from the Beis Din of Rabbi Krauss. We were never informed who the plaintiffs were, the reason the ikul was issued, or received any hazmonah. In fact, the ikul itself was not appropriately served to the Vaad Hakohol, but instead a copy was faxed to the Vaad Hakashrus office.  

I have made numerous attempts to reach Rabbi Krauss. My calls have never been returned. I managed to reach him for a brief moment a few days ago. He told me to call him in the evening.  Since then, he has not taken my calls. I hope that Rabbi Krauss will retract the ikul, in order that (as Rabbi Rosenberg said) there will not be "war" between batei din.

Until then, the Vaad Hakohol will continue to act as responsibly as we can to resolve this issue. It’s unfortunate that the lack of a functional Beis Din is what forces the Vaad Hakohol to have to bear the full burden of these decisions.
Finally, the Vaad Hakohol has spent much time, effort and money to ensure that the Din Torah and elections could take place correctly. The community came out in force to vote for Rabbi Braun, and we honor and respect that decision. I, personally, have total confidence in Rabbi Braun's integrity, talent and his ability to fulfill his position of Rov in a manner that will honor the Rebbe's schunah.
Be blessed,


  1. finally!!
    I was waiting for this for a while now..

  2. Zaki
    Can you show a sighed document to this conferming your statement from rabbbi rosenberg or krauss? As a lawyer you know with out a document this is all hear say and not proof at all.

  3. Zaki, we support you for you stand for the truth

  4. Zaki, we support you all the way on this decision to installing the Ruv and now continuing to ignore all the klipa trying to make problems. CH is lucky to have such a fine person as our Ruv.

  5. Zaki, you truly know how to move things along in a professional, yet quite manner, thus avoiding lots of public shmutz.

    Zaki, I believe you are a honest, simple Jew just looking to do what is right AL PI TORAH.

    You don't seem to take actions based on politics. You clearly follow the Beis Din agreed on by Rabbi Osdobo, Rabbi Shwey and the Vaad Hakohol - to the very last detail.

    We should all learn form Zaki to place our personal "feelings" aside and follow TORAH.

  6. Good work! Now, having settled this issue, please get the new Rav settled here and let the Vaad return to its work of leading the CHJCC in serving the truly needy of our community. This vital avoidah has been sadly neglected in the course of the Beis Din machloikes.

  7. Could you please be so kind as to display, here on your blog, a copy of the document which was torn up in your office?

  8. Zaki you the best


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