Sunday, March 27, 2011


Paychecks for the three Rabbonim of the Badatz of Crown Heights shlita were cut and hand delivered this past Erev Shabbos (parshas Shemini).


  1. What's with Rabbi Segal, did he get paid?

  2. I dont belive he is a Chaver HaBeis Din.

  3. The Psak says Rabbi Segal has to get paid!

  4. the psak also says that rabbi segal can not have anything to do with the vaad hakashrus, and that it has to handed over to the vaad hakohol.

  5. the psak also said to give the kashrus back to the vaad hakohol, when segal will listin to the psak we can talk about starting to pay him

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  7. can R' Segal FIGHT agaisnt the results of the zabl"o and at the same time want to get paid by the kehila?

  8. R' Segal is behind the IKUL agaisnt the results of the zabl"a.
    at the same time wants to get paid by the kehila based on the Zabl"a!!!

  9. In order to stop paying Rabbi Segal you need permission from the Zabla so the answer is yes.

    As long as he is working you must pay him.

    Regarding Kashrus

    you can't expect Rabbi Osdoba to give over Kashrus before he receives an answer on his appeal.

  10. You expect Rabbi Segal get pay for his fighting against the community? Its like to ask Israel to give over funds to Hamas while they are shooting grads on Israel.

  11. “you can't expect Rabbi Osdoba to give over Kashrus before he receives an answer on his appeal.”

    1. Kashrus NEVER belonged to Harav Osdobo shlit”o – it clear it his contract from 1987.

    2. everyone needs to listen and follow the Psak Din imidieatly – as directed by the Zabl”o. If in the future you have a successful appeal, then the Beis Din (zabl”o) will direct how to change things.

    Just because you don’t agree with the Psak Din is no excuse not to obey and follow it.

  12. the appeal has nothing to do with kashrus. and yes the zablo paskened that the kashrus needs to be given over to the vaad hakohol. this needs to be done immediately. there is no such thing as waiting for appeals in Torah.
    either they accept the rulings of the zablo or they don't.

    and if R' Ozdoba can not be expected to hand over the kashrus, then the vaad hakohol have no obligation to pay him. I commend Zaki for nevertheless continuing with his salary.

  13. zaki, just give up.. its a never ending battle

  14. Thank Hashem for Chevre like ZakiMarch 29, 2011 at 12:53 AM

    "zaki, just give up.. its a never ending battle"

    What are you talking about? it sounds like your saying that anyone that wants something from YOU can fight you, and you will ALWAYS give in, because "its a never ending battle"

    By giving up the community only has what to loose, nothing to gain. Should Israel just give up, and let the Arabs do what they wish? well "its a never ending battle"

    We must have our priorities right!


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