Thursday, January 27, 2011

An Interesting Problem

One of my personal priorities is to reinstate the Netzigim.

The Netzigim play a vital role in our community governance. They represent the interests of the people, run elections, ensure proper financial accountabiliy and disclosure, and even have the power to remove vaad members.

In short, they ensure that the Vaad Hakohol is accountable to the people.

In recent weeks, I have been soliciting our kehillos to register a contact person with the Vaad, who will take on the respondsiblity of passing on information on the netzigim process as it develops.

There are a few sfekos that will have to be dealt with first:
  1. Are there any valid netzigim now? According to the bylaws, it seems that the netzigim are botl.
  2. If the netzigim are in fact botl, do kehillos have to re-apply for membership as outlined in the bylaws?
  3. Can we elect netzigim now, even though the election process is not suppose to commence until Rosh Chodesh Elul? If so, would these new netzigim serve a full year, or only until the beginning of 5772?
I will be looking to the rabbonim for guidance on these issues in the near future. Click here to download a copy of the bylaws (I'm warning you the file is very large), and let me know what you think.

1 comment:

  1. i do not think you can have netzigim yet according to these laws unles the rabonnim allow


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